Sunday, April 22, 2012

On THe rEd CaRPet!

The DONT premier is here :))

So Bf and i  had been told guests had to be there early to not disturb the 'stars' walk on the red carpet...

First arrived the bad woman, do you remember her? Dr Nefarious' lover...

And then Dr. Nefarious, my friend! SOOO funny! And people got crazy, they love him!!

Oh and he was super sweet to us, he came to say hello , and everybody was saying oh wow, they know him !
And i met Billy ... but he was a bit pissed off, cause no one knew he was the zombie bro :P
And then , the big big stars appeared, and...

There was someone from the movie productions that quickly took Bf and I inside the theater. But we had time to see THE PICTURE OF THE DAY, cause Dr. Nefarious gave Smowl a big KISSSSSSS !!

It was a very fun night, in spite of my  ...
unlucky dress. But didnt i look

*.JULYs.*  Ultra Low ripped - lightblue capris
 &  Double Tank Dots black 
 Pose by  Eternal Dream 

Beautiful Dirty Rich Punk Princess 
Pose by  Eternal Dream 
SLC Mesh Bubble Dress fleur blue
Pose by Eternal Dream

*.JULYs.*  Tube Top Shopping
& Pinky Jeans - lightblue

Carisma Creations Designs  
Cocktail Dress Dawn
:Mashooka: Kanti jewels Silver -Earrings Hearts

The fun 'Paparazzi'
 pose is from STAKEY

Next (last) DONT episode will come soon. If you want to read past entries you can follow it here!